Grid Portraits + Value Mapping = Awesomeness!

Our 8th graders used the "Stencil Pic" app to take a posterized selfie of themselves.  After outlining the value changes, the students applied a 1" grid to the printed photograph.

The students then applied a 2-1/4" grid to a 18"x24" piece of drawing paper.

The students used the grid to enlarge their drawing, focusing only on the lines created from the value map. After the drawing was completed, students created a value scale using either warm or cool colors.  Students labeled each value area and on their drawing and colored in their drawing according to the number that corresponded with the value scale.

It was a little rough through the middle of the project.  Students focused on the fact that it didn't look like them and did not feel successful.  I reminded them that they were not drawing their face but drawing a value map - almost like a topographical map.  What helped was telling the students to turn over their photograph and observe where the sharpie had bled through.  As some of the faster working students began applying color, other students saw the light at the end of the tunnel and picked up the pace. The results were wonderful!

